Removing Members
You can remove members from a workspace by going to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Members’ & removing the email addresses you wish to remove.
When you remove a member from an existing workspace in the middle of a billing period (either month or year depending on the subscription plan) you will get a credit for the timeframe that has already been paid for & the member didn’t use. This credit is then applied to the following invoice (& subsequent invoices until the credit is used up).
See an example below where we have a workspace with 10 members on the monthly subscription plan. On 1st March the monthly invoice is calculated using a member total of 10, which pays for the workspace up until 1st April. Then on 20th March, the workspace owner removes 5 members from the workspace. The prorated credit calculation says that these 5 members already paid for 10 days (from 20th March to 1st April) which they now won’t use, & so this becomes the credit total. We can see that on the 1st April this credit amount of $20 is subtracted from the invoice total, reducing it to $40.

Adding Members
Changing subscription plan from monthly to yearly