Create a workspace
There are five steps to create a new workspace. First you must create a Connetra account & then there are four steps in the initialisation of the new workspace.
Once you have a Connetra account & you log-in you must complete the 4-stage workspace set-up process. This consists of:
Create a workspace name
First you must enter the company name & a team address. The team address is unique to each workspace (so if you are trying to enter a team address that already exists you will be prompted to input a different name). Only alphanumeric values are allowed in the team address field (without any white spaces)

Add members to a workspace
Next you will be asked to add members to this newly created workspace. There are a couple of ways to do this:
- By clicking the ‘Add Member’ button you can type in the email address of the member you want to add. You will be asked whether this new member should be an admin or a user. See Privacy & Security: Roles & Permissions for an overview of the permissions differences between the workspace owner, admin & user roles.
- You can copy & share the url link that allows anyone who enters the url to join the new workspace. Remember to only share this url internally within your company. Workspace owners will receive an email for each new member joining their workspace (& you can also see current members for a workspace under the Settings tab).
- If you have lots of members to add you can use the “Import” button to add a CSV with each row indicating the email of the member & the role for that member (there is a sample file to make it clear of the required formatting).

Add data connectors to a workspace
After this, you will be prompted to add data connectors to your workspace. Having data connectors set-up from the initialization of the workspace will make it easier for users to add data points (as they will have a drop down option to search for appropriate database/schema/tables.)
Alerts can only be created from data points that are tied to active data connectors (as Connetra will use the credentials given to access the database to run the alert).
Alerts can only be created from data points that are tied to active data connectors (as Connetra will use the credentials given to access the database to run the alert).
- Redshift
- Snowflake
- GoogleBigQuery
- MariaDB
- Oracle
See Sections: Integrations for a more in-depth view on how to add each data connector to your workspace.

Add breakdowns to a workspace
The final step required is to input the dimension breakdowns & valid values. Each time that a member creates a new data point they will be required to select a field for each breakdown. These breakdowns make it easier for members to navigate through the Explore, Timeline & Search pages to discover the data points they are looking for. You should choose dimensions that are regularly used within your company.
There are 4 breakdowns that are required for each workspace:
- Owner: These values are already populated from the members that are in each workspace. Obviously each data point will have an owner associated (the member that is creating the data point).
- Tag: This field isn’t required to be filled out when creating a data point (& so can be left blank if you want to). Admins can create new tag values, so new values can be added over time.
- Team: A common way to segment data points is by the teams that created/own them. A default value is ‘Other’ (as this is a required dimension & potentially there might not be the appropriate team as a dimension value yet, allowing ‘Other’ gives members an option if none of the others apply). As above, admins can add new team values as your company evolves over time.
- Data Tool: This dimension will pre-populate with any data connectors you added to the workspace in step 2. Popular options here are other database management tools not covered by our current data connector options (reach out to us if there are connectors you want us to add in the future!), data visualization tools (such as Tableau, Power BI, Looker etc) or even Microsoft Office tools (such as Excel, Word, Powerpoint). ‘Other’ is also a default option (to be selected if no other values apply) & admins can create new data tool values over time.

Create an account
Add data points